About Us

Our logo was designed by Morgan Lewis of Ripple in the Wild. 

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See more of their work on their website

Claudia Pineda Tibbs

Pronouns: they/them/elle

Claudia is a non-binary, queer, Latine nature lover, ocean advocate, and sustainability professional. Their love of birds originated from going on casual outings with friends who taught them how to ID birds in a safe and welcoming environment. 

Claudia's favorite birds are the Northern Flicker, Acorn Woodpecker, and Townsend's Warbler.  

Outside of CCBC, Claudia loves to hike, tide pool, walk their dog, cuddle with their cats, and watch scary movies with their spouse. 

Claudia also serves as Advisory Board Chair for Latino Outdoors and is a member of the Olas Y Acción Advisory Council for Hispanic Access Foundation.

Emily Maddox

Pronouns: she/her

Emily first got into birding while sitting in traffic, vanpooling between Santa Cruz and Monterey. Her favorite birds are the belted kingfisher, cedar waxwing, and snowy plover (squee).  

As an annual SDCC attendee, Emily loves all things science fiction and pop culture. In her free time, Emily loves watching sports and spending time with her husband. She misses the love her life, Leia (as pictured). 

Gina Carrillo

Pronouns: she/they

Gina is never not birding. She stays looking for birds wherever she goes. Birds are only one of the many things that spark Gina’s curiosity. Others include clouds, mixology and conscious awareness. 

As a proud queer Mexicana, Gina strives to create space for folks of diverse identities to connect with each other and nature as a way of healing and experiencing joy. 


Favorite birds: all the colorful ones.

ATHENA Barrios

Pronouns: she/her/ella

Athena is a queer Chicana who grew up in Watsonville, CA. Her passion for birding is inspired by her younger brother, Anthony, who first took a serious interest in birds at the age of 10. Athena loved to see the joy and fascination that Anthony experienced and it continues to be a hobby that keeps them both connected over long-distance. 

She is constantly seeking joy, peace, and healing in nature, especially in sources of water. Cooking/eating/sharing food is one of her many love languages (besides birds)

Favorite birds: Anna's Hummingbird, Burrowing Owl, and Snowy Egret 

Central Coast Birding Collective Founders